Tuesday 20 January 2015

It all starts in the head

13 days ago I broke my knee cap. My husband and I had been out for a pre-birthday meal and on the way home I slipped on the ice. This happened in the tiny village Montgenevre in the French Alps. Next day was spent in the clinic, calling the insurance company among other things. My birthday celebration was cancelled. In addition I was told to wear a splint for 4 weeks while starting a new job. 

It was annoying and painful but I knew I had to decide on the perspective from the start. So I chose to focus on "God, what are you trying to teach me through this?".

Later I have learnt two important things:

- Dependency

I learnt to ask for help more often (e.g. getting a lift). Having lived independently for a long time and traveled alone and lived abroad, my default reaction in a tough situation has been "Too bad. I will manage. Let's move on". A few days ago I suddenly came home knackered from work after walking with the crutches all the way from home in the morning and back in the evening (ca. 45 min each way). 

My husband suggested putting a request on Facebook asking for a lift. It seemed so simple, but it was an idea that never had crossed my mind. I had simply assumed that people knew about the incident and would offer help if they felt like it. My husband's answer was "No, in this country you need to ask for things" (which is also true in life in general I believe.)

I now realise that I need to work on being ok with being dependent, and asking more often for help. It takes strength to be vulnerable! 

- A positive attitude improves healing

Four days after the accident, two out of the three fractures had already healed. I had tried not to moan and complain about the situation and my husband really liked that. I decided to look at it as only temporary and a life lesson. 10 days later I was able to walk at pretty much a normal pace (with the help of crutches) and today, I can finally bend the knee up and down without pain. I hope and believe that by focusing my thoughts on the horizon and not complain, that my knee was able to heal a bit quicker. 

As Rhonda Byrne says in 'The Secret', what you focus on you attract. I want to keep the floodgates of God's blessings open by staying positive!

(Below I am enjoying a delicious a tiramisu at the Turin airport, before speeding through customs :))

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